Friday 26 February 2010


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

+ horror element:
* Have a mystery murder

* Quiet environment (only have the walking sound)

* challenges the western horror films
* Western horror is
telling the horror, they shows out the scary things to make people afraid directly.
* Eastern is
showing the horror, they shows out the mystery case to give some hints to the audience to think more.
* Eastern audiences would like to have more space to think so they will get a deeply memories.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
* The characters are between 17-18, ie represent to the high school students
* And they are Asian ie represent to my target audiences are eastern
* The evil boy is represent to the someone who are having a evil mind
* that means you can forgive someone did something bad on you, but you cant forget it and you wanna revenge them.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

* Universe Film Company in Hong Kong
* It is because there have the famous directors-Pang Brothers who are good at produce Horror film. Likes “the eye”.

* Ie I thought it will be interested in mine.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
* My ideal audiences are high student school
* And they will be eastern.

+ Classification
* Hong Kong rating is difference from the UK's.
* For example, The Grudge and The Ring are category 2B in Hong Kong and category 15 in UK.
* Moreover, the Spanish horror - REC. and Saw season 1-6 are category 3 and category 18 in UK.
* Therefore, most of the horror in Hong Kong is classified as category 2B and category 15 in UK.
* My horror will classify as 2B film in Hong Kong and 15 film in UK.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

* The characters are in the same age group with my ideal audience

* At the beginning ,there have a mystery murder. And, it makes audiences are curious to know what had happened.

6. What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

* Learnt to:

- use the mini DV camera
- the tripod

- final cut pro for video editing
- upload the video clip to blog

7. looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the finished product?

* Cause I work independent in the coursework therefore it is harder than the preliminary task
* Have rehearse before filming

* Know more how to do the match on action after preliminary task
* More confident. As I use my 1st language to talk with my characters, I can point out the problem directly and easily.
* Time management. I need to film all shots in a day to meet the deadline.
* Organization skills. To tell my characters what I want and what should they do to be more perfect.

Friday 22 January 2010

Analysis for the Grudge (horror)

Analysis for the Grudge (horror)

When the story start, here have a notice that like the introduction about what is the main idea in the film. And, that was giving a hint to the audience that why the murder will happen again and again.

The opening of this film is in black and white, it is because black and white can present that it was happened in the past. Most of the films use the black and white to present the past too. Therefore, when we watch the opening, we can sense that was happen in the past. Also, there is no lighting effect in the black and white.

Even it is a black and white, but the director still make the blood on face into red, therefore, it has a stronger message that the man killed the woman. It makes the sense more powerful. So, when I watch the film I know that the red dots on the man’s face are blood.

However, even we knew that the man killed the woman, but he still looks like normal. He look like very peaceful. If another people killed someone, they maybe look very mad or afraid. But ,the man didn’t. He looks like this is the normal thing .

Moreover, he was angry on the cat that was yowling. So, he killed the cat too. Then, when his son hear the sound that the man was killing the cat, the kid just hide himself. It gives me a message that it wasn’t the first time happen. It is because if it is the 1st time, when the kids hear some strange sound, they should be very curious and wonder know what happen. But the kid in the film, he just hide himself immediately. It makes me believe that it was happen in the past.

Besides, when the man walking, he just like haven’t his own mind. He looks like controlled by something. And, the expression in his eye is empty. Just like he is alive but haven’t a soul.

Finally, here have some close up shot on the woman’s eye. She was dead but her eyes still open. Its let me know that when she die, she was very scary and cant believe that what happen in front of her. Therefore, she gaped.

I think the overall opening sequence is work. It is because in those few minutes without any special camera works or any sound effect, it still can make the audience scary and sense that was a horror.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

conclusion of workshop(14Jan)

+ Payer cake

I think it is the thriller according to the first 5minutes of the film. It is because the background music is not relax , not scary and not funny. It is a kind of tense music. Also, in the beginning, there have the men holding the gun and there have some sound of shooting. Moreover, there have some criminal elements. That was having a shot of the prisoners. And, some guys are making drug. Therefore, I combined all the things that I noticed ,I think it is a thriller.

+ His Girl Friday

I think this is a romantic comedy because in the beginning there is a busy office. And, a woman who dressed up different to another staff. Then, before she enter the office, she had a chat with another man. It was the common factor in the romantic comedy that having a chat between a couple. Also, the music is quite funny and make audience feel interested in that.
Later on, the woman entered into the office and have a chat with another man. And, their topic is about honeymoon and they just like a couple.
Therefore, I think it is a romantic comedy.

Definition of 3 genre

+ Romantic Comedy

The beginning of the romantic comedy is very relax. It means the lighting will be bright. And the music is the relax one. It is because most of the romantic comedy is being sweet and funny. They usually have a happy ending. So it will not have any scary element..
Also, it will start with a boy and girl in the story beginning. Let the audience know that it is a romantic comedy.

+ Horror

The beginning of the horror, there usually is a dark environment. And, the background music is always being tense. It is because it can make the audience to feel scary and nervous. Also, in some horror, there will have a monster or some ghosts in the beginning. Therefore, it can make people sense that is a horror. Like in the opening of Coming Soon, it is in the dark cinema, and there is empty (no audience) but it still have a film that broadcasting. That make people feel scary ,included me.

+ Thriller
The beginning of the thriller, there usually have some criminal elements. Like, some thieves are fighting with the police or some trading of drug. Moreover, there may have some sound of gun shooting. And, the beginning will be very exciting. Like having a excited music.

Friday 15 January 2010

Production Schedule

Production Schedule


Date: 30Jan (1pm-2pm)
Spare date: 31 Jan
location: Erdington (yiwa's home)
who: Calvin Tsang and Chritina Wong
what: shot10-14 +shot16+shot18-20

Date: 30Jan (4am-5.30pm)
Spare date: 6Feb
location:Tyburn Road
who: Calvin Tsang and Chritina Wong
what: shot1-8 + additional shot1-5



Add. Shot 3
Girl: Is it anyone following me?
(turn around and look back) Oh.. maybe I’m too sensitive.

Shot 4+5
Girl: Help! Anyone here? Help!!

Shot 6
Girl:(she falls down)

Shot 7

Girl: No…please. Don’t kill me, please…

Shot 8
Boy: (sinister laugh) hahaha… it’s too late.

Shot 9
Girl: (screaming)

Shot 10
Girl: (gasping) Am I still alive? The feeling is so real. Okay, however it’s just a dream. Forget it.

(Bell ring)

Shot 11-12
Girl: yes. I’m coming.

Shot 13-14
Girl: Don’t be too scary of the bad dream anymore. It’s so silly.

Shot 17

(Bell ring again)

Shot 19-20
(Door opens)

Boy: hello.
Girl: (screaming)

Shot 21
Girl: (scary) Who are you? What are you doing here?
Boy: Huh?! I come here because……

Additional shots

Add them before shot 1

Add. Shot 1: Here has a long shot that the boy is following the girl. And, the camera is set behind the boy.

Add. Shot 2: The girl looks back to confirm is it anyone tracking her. She looks confused. And, it is the long shot .

Add. Shot 3: Here is a long shot and the camera set in front of the girl. And, she is looking back. Then, here is no one follow her.

Add. Shot 4: A long shot set behind the boy and the girl. The girl is keep walking forward.