Friday 18 December 2009

Key things in the horror

At the opening, there will have the excited murder shot to attract audience's eyes. After that, when the girl wake up ,she find that just was a dream. It seems that it was over. But, however, when she go out, she saw the one who want to kill her that in her dream was outside her home.And, she scream.

It was mystery that the boy in the dream,he was appear in the real world. It attracts the audiences want to know what happen.Then , it seems the hooro film.

Also, up to here , girl sees the boy.I will stop for a moment and shows out the opening credit of the film. During this period of time, audiences may in hurry want to know what will happen next.Therefore,it will attract the audiences to watch the following happen.

characters and locations

Dream comes true

- Main characters :

A girl who is called Juliet . She is the main character in the story. In the opening , there have a shot that she is running along the street. The story will be around her daily life with Ronald . Until she found the secret that is about Ronald. Then , she will be killed by Ronald finally.

A boys is called Ronald. He is the main character in the story. He is the new student who will be stay in Juliet’s home. He also is the boy that appear in Juliet’ s bad dream. He is a nice boy then they going to be friend quickly. However, at the ending of the film, he will kill Juliet. It is because she knows his secret.

-Main location

There will be street and home for the opening sequence.
It is because Juliet is running along the street and Ronald killed her when she fall down. Therefore, the opening sequence might be film on the street at night.
Also, the second location is in the bedroom. That was because Juliet wake up when she was having a bad dream. So, there will also have some shots at bedroom and home.
These all locations for my opening sequence.

Sunday 6 December 2009

main story outline

1# Dream comes true.

1) A boy follows the girl
2) Girl looks back
3) Sees the boy tracked her with the knife
4) She runs
5) She fall down
6) Boy killed her
7) Girl wakes up, just a bad dream
8) She goes out
9) Sees the boy who is in her dream is outside her home
10) Boy knocking the door
11) She is afraid and scream
12) Her mum asked her why and open the door for the boy
13) Her mum state that he is the new student who will be living with them
14) He looks very nice.
15) But the girl still scared with him
16) They are having a handshake
17) Go to school together
18) Later on, girl forgets her bad dream and being friend with the boy
19) When she goes out, no matter where she goes, boy will come together
20) They have a great friendship
21) However, one day the girl knows that the boy is doing some illegal
22) She wants to tell the truth to the police
23) They are quarreling.
24) Then the girl stand in her view strongly
25) Boy is afraid
26) So, he wants to kill the girl
27) Girl goes out from home
28) Boy comes out too.
*29) He is holding the knife
30) She runs along the street
31) She is shouting “help” and keep running
32) Suddenly, she falls down
33) Boy killed her
34) The screen becomes red and the girl’s screaming

*Shots are similar to the beginning.

4 ideas outline

1# Dream comes true.

In the opening, there have a girl is running and screaming. It is because there have a boy tracked her with a knife. He want to murder the girl. Suddenly, she fall down. And, the boy killed her. After that, the girl wake up and it just was a dream. When she go out, she saw the boy who was in her dream is knocking the door outside her home. She was afraid. And, her mother asked her why and open the door for the boy. The boy is the new student who will be live with them actually. At the beginning, the girl still fear of him based on the bad dream. But, later on they become a good friend. Then, one day the girl detected that the boy are doing something illegal things. She want to tell the police the truth. However, the boy killed her when she is on the way to the police station. That was what happened in the girl’s bad dream.

2# Mystery invitation

It is 30 October. Fiona and Helen are good friends. Fiona is sending the invitation letter to her classmates for the Halloween party. When she sent the last one to the classmates. Helen came. And, Fiona said that she will send the invitation to Helen later.
When Helen went back home, she received a invitation in her mail box, she thought that it was the invitation form Fiona. However, it was not ! Fiona’s invitation still on the floor. So, who else will give a invitation to Helen? And, what will happen when Helen go to the wrong party? It is the secret.

3# Time keep going back

One day, Christina go to school. When she arrived the school building, she already felt that something wrong. But she still keep going to her classroom which is in the second floor. When she climbed the stair to second floor, she opened the door. The view makes she shocked. It is because the view still is the ground floor. She tried and tried but she still cant go to second floor. Is it something unknown in the second floor or something else…

4# imprecate tattoo

Here have a legend that who have a rose tattoo on the left arm, that will become dead with no reason. One day, Jane go to the tattoo shop. She found that the rose sign is beautiful. Then, she want to have it on her LEFT ARM. But, the shop manager had told her that about the legend. However, Jane still want to have it on her left arm.
When she having the rose tattoo, the unlucky things follow to happen…
Finally, Jane want to wash it off but she cant. And, the tattoo becomes more and more wide on her arm. At the end, Jane dead…

Wednesday 2 December 2009

questionnair summary

I had asked 23 people. 10 of them are male and 13 of them are female. Their age is between 16 to above 21. And, 9 o them are British and another 9 of them are Chinese. The last 5 people are Indian or other. 4of them are 16. 6of them are 17. 5of them are 18. 3of them are 19. 1of1them is 20.And 4 of1them are over 21. Therefore, most of the interviewees are teenagers.

Most of the interviewees like watching horror film. Only 4 of them dislike watching horror, and those 4 people all are Chinese. It is because they are scared of this.

In the result that people who like watching horror, they are usually feel excited about the film.
Then, half of them will have a deep memories of the story after watching the film. Based on, the cameras work. Most of them said that if the shots are fantastic or scary, they will remember it.
After that, most of the interviewees think that if the environment is quiet, they will feel scary. It is because silence will make people have more space in their mind to think about what will happen in this quiet environment. Also, screaming is another sound that make people feel scary, too. It is because screaming can be shared emotion. We scream when we are scary or saw something horrible and unbelievable. That why when the characters scream in the film, the audience will feel scary too.

The elements that make audiences interested to notice are characters and narrative. Besides, the music and sound effect also attract audiences to notice. Sound effect makes the sense becomes stronger. For example, the sound of the wind the sound odd roping blood,etc.
Moreover, the audience expect to see in the horror are blood and something that are scary, death, murder and mystery. But the Chinese interviewees expect to watch some surprise shot, such as there have something suddenly appeared.

To conclude, the favorite top 5 horror film are as follows.
1# SAW
3# REC.

Western audience expect to see some scary things in the horror. They need the scared feel directly. For example, they want to see some murder, bloody and monster, etc.
However, for the eastern audience expect to have some surprise through the horror. The term of “surprise” is mean that they want to have some shocked shot. Like, there have something appear on the screen suddenly. Eastern horror film almost use the ghost to be the storyline. It is because ghosts give us a sense that was mystery. And, the ghost will appear and disappear mysteriously. Those mystery things are eastern audience want to see. It is because they want to think more through the film. And, showing is more scary than telling. That eastern horror will give much space to the audience to think more. When the audience are using their mind to think about the story, they will create a super scary ending for their own.

Moreover, out of those top 5 horror film, there have two are not produce from Hollywood. And, the DEAD SILENCE is also a US film. That had the same director with SAW. And, its main element of horror is screaming.

Friday 27 November 2009

Monday 16 November 2009


Gender: #Male #Female
Age: #16 # 17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #above21
Ethnicity: # British # Chinese # Indian #Other

1) Do you like watching horror film?
# Yes # No

2)What is your feeling about horror film?
# Excited #Scared # Bored # Funny # Other

3) After you watched the horror film, would you have a deep memories of it?
#No # Yes, Reason:___________________________

4)Which sound you will feel scary if it appear in the horror?
# Phone Ring # Scream # Sound of broken glass # Quiet #Other

5)What is the things will attract you to notice in the film? (Can choose more than one)
# characters # Narrative(story) # music/sound effect # make-up
# camerawork # lighting # other

6)What would you expert to see in the horror film?#___________________________________________________

7)Finally, what is your favourite horror film?

Sunday 15 November 2009

Textual Analysis for Horror

Name of film: REC. (2007)

It is a Spanish horror film. It is about a television reporter, Ángela Vidal, and her cameraman, Pablo, who cover the night shift in one of Barcelona's local fire stations for the fictional documentary television series While You Sleep. The firehouse receives a call from an apartment building about a woman who is trapped. When they arrive, the police break down the door, with Ángela and Pablo recording their actions. The woman becomes extraordinarily aggressive and bites one of the policemen.

A health inspector wearing a hazmat suit arrives and attempts to treat the injured, who become fiercely violent despite their critical injuries. The health inspector explains that the time the disease takes to cause sickness depends on blood type. The health inspector also reveals that, sometime during the previous day, a dog with the illness was taken to the veterinarian; the dog became violent and attacked and killed other pets at the clinic. The dog was euthanized, and was traced back to the apartment building. The inspector tells the distraught residents that this unknown but virulent disease is infecting people, causing them to turn into bloodthirsty savages. More and more people in the building become infected, and Ángela and Pablo are forced to fight them off.

At the end of the film, Pablo tries to escape, but trips and is viciously attacked by the girl, making Pablo drop the camera. Ángela picks it up and runs, only to trip and drop the camera as well. She searches for it but is unable to find it. The camera continues to record as the screams of the infected girl are heard on the tape recorder and Ángela is dragged into the darkness, screaming.

The text style in the opening of REC. is black background screen and white words.It is the most common style in the horror film. In the opening sequence, there have a relax mood that seems it is just a television programme and not a horror film. The story is go on natural and all the things are happened unexpectedly.

REC. looks like a recorded video and the method of filming is fresh. Its not like the common horror film. Even it had the common elements of the horror film, for example, screaming, breathing sound, bloodsucker, darkness environment, etc. But the filming method is difference to the normal one.

Moreovers, the shots of the film are real, it is because the camera was just hold by the cameraman Pablo’s hand. Whenever, they were running, the camera followed to shake by their movements.Also,the main location of the story is in the old building. And, the environment is always being dark. Dark environment makes audience cant see the shot clearly. And, when there had a suddenly screaming, it makes the audience really scary.

It is a really good horror film. After looking it, it still have a deep memories in audience’s mind. And ,at the end of the film, it hadn’t told us what is the ending of the story. Is Ángela died? What will the people do who are stay outside the old building? It has many questions that make the audiences to think about.

One minute video

Here is the storyboard for the one minute video.I had film it twice time. It is because at the first time I hadn’t do the rehearsal before I record it. Therefore, here had many wrong or bad shots contain in the video. Also, I didn’t do the good match on action.

So, I do it again during the Friday lesson. Luckily, this time all the shots are well done and the match on action is perfect. It is because when i was confused with some shots,my classmates will remind me or give me some advise.They also teach me that how can i do a good match on action.Therefore, I can finish my second tape successfully.
At the and,I am very thanks for my two helpful classmates, Lee and Tasha :)

Task 2:Research into Existing Products


Name of film: The Bourne Identity

The setting in the beginning of the story, this is with the mystery music and here is a bad weather. And, the people is all on the boat. Suddenly, they saw somebody is in the water .Then, they save himself. And, the man looks like died. When the old man was checking the wounds on the “died” man’s body, he discover something that shows out the bank account number. After that, the old man look back to the bed where the “died” man lay on. He is disappear! Suddenly, he jump out from the old man backward. It attracts the audience want to know what will go on.

Name of the film: Infernal Affairs (2002)

It is a hong kong film that about the espionage. The triad society send one of the member into the police department to get more information. So they can prepare before the police having action. At the same time, the police department also send one of the member into the triad society to observe their activities. It is a mystery story to make audience interested in.

Task 2:Research into Existing Products

Romantic Comedies

Name of film: Monkey Business (1931)

It is a black and white film. At the opening sequence, there had a happy music. And, here had a shot of a man wear a full-dress coat and a woman wear a beautiful dress. It seems that they were going out to have a party. Through the behavior of those characters , we know that they are married couple. And, the man had a useless mind that always forget the things what he need to do. So, his wife remind him all the time. And, the beginning of the film is doing the same action and repeating the action of the couple were going out. Finally, the wife give up to go out based on her husband’s behavior.

Name of film: Pretty Woman (1990)

It is a story about a business man and a bad girl. At the beginning, there is a party that full of ladies and gentlemen.. And, there have a shot that Edward stands in the room and talking on the phone with his girlfriend. In his mind, business is the most important in his life. Therefore, his girlfriend hate him that always snub her.
After that, there is talking about Vivienne ,the bad girl. She is poor but she is very sexy. In her home, the photos are all without her partner’s head. Its give out a message to the audience that Vivienne hate man or she was hurt by man before.
Then, through the opening sequence, it seems that Edward likes a rich prince and Vivienne is Cinderella that waiting to the prince comes.

Friday 23 October 2009

Task2: Research into Existing Products

Horror film

Name of film: Coming soon
Type: horror film (Thai)
Director: Sophon Sakdaphisit

Narrative: The film is set in a cinema, where cash strapped, ex-junkie projectionist Shane (Thanasewee) reluctantly agrees with his friend Yod to try and make a pirate copy of the new horror ‘Revenge of Evil Spirit’ which has just arrived for a preview screening. Unfortunately, strange things are soon afoot as Yod disappears, only for Shane to spot him on screen, his eyes having been gouged out by the film’s wicked witch villainess, Chaba. Only too aware that he may be next and that the film might be somehow cursed, he and his reluctant girlfriend Som (Punch) try to solve mystery before the evil hag gets her filthy claws on him.

Characters: Shane , Som and Chaba are the main characters of the film. Shaen is the main actor of the film and Som acts his girlfriend. Then, the Chaba is the ghost in the film. Moreover, the make up of Chaba is the most real. It makes Chaba looks more real and horror.

Key locations: cinema and the old house

Lighting: always being dark.

Name of film: switchblade Romance

The main location in the opening is in the forest and the woman was running very fast.Another shot is a man in the car,he was driving pass though the road. It was happening in the morning about 5-6am. It is because in the place, there was few people.Even there had one car pass though the road.

Suddenly, the woman came out from the forest and the man was afraid.Then, the car lose of control.When the man looked back,there was nobody on the road.But, the woman came out next to him suddenly .

Name of film : Day of the dead (1995)

The main location is in the city.There had nobody at first just like a "dead city" that after the war. And, the man using a microphone to wake up all the "people".Here also had a shot on the newspaper heading-"The Dead Walk".
The opening is really attractive to make people wanted to what is the next.And, the make up of the dead people is horrod and making people scare.

Name of film:Ju-on:The Grudge

In the opening of the film, here have a black and white screen to show out that had happened in the past.And,the director also make some cat's sound in the background to let the audience to think what happen beside the screen.

This film make people to thinking. And, when the audience were thinking what going on,it might make the story became more scare.Therefore, whenever the director just using some simple cameras work,it also makes the audiences feel scary.

Name of film:Scream

At the beinging,when there was showing the credits,here had a girl screaming.It makes the audiences feel excited and wanna see what going on.The time of the story is in the night and the girl just stay at home herslf. And, the phone was ringing and the girl answers it.The guy in the phone with the mysterious voice.And, the music was become more and more tense.